The Debate is a weekly program organised by the Sompon Socialservices BW, to promotes the Agenda 2063 of the African Union, “The Africa We Want”.
This instrument having as vision “an integrated, prosperous and peaceful Africa, driven by its own citizens and representing a dynamic force in international arena”, has seven aspirations around which the weekly topics are formed.
Sompon Socialservices BW e.V. is gathering Africans from various countries and the diaspora so together they popularize the Agenda and encourage each African to own it.
Sompon Socialservices BW e.V. acknowledges the fact that domestication of the Agenda begins with each individual.
Engaged to bring its own little contribution to the Africa we want, under the banner of Sompon GlobalTV, which is an online TV from the Sompon Socialservice institution.
Vera Sompon
Elvis Mbolifor
Ruth Wahl
Rachel Ikome
Our Team
Some of our topics
We have touched topics such as:
– African youths have the potential to build the continent? Should Africa continue depending on foreign aid for development?
– Are African politicians an impediment to Africa’s development?
– Are African Central Governments collaborating with the Local governments towards the Africa we want
This agenda seeks to unite all Africans, wherever they may be, around this common vision, so together we build the “Africa We Want”.
When it was created
The Agenda - Why 2063?
Sompon Socialservice is gathering Africans from various countries and the diaspora so together they popularize the Agenda and encourage each African to own it.
The Seven Aspirations of Agenda 2063:
- A prosperous Africa based on inclusive growth and sustainable development: the aim is for Africa to finance and manage its own growth. Counting on its resources.
- An integrated continent, politically united based on the ideals of Pan-Africanism and the vision of Africa’s Renaissance: this targets the full integration of the continent, both economically and politically.
- An Africa of good governance, democracy, respect for human rights, justice and the rule of law: this aims to deepen the culture of good governance and gender equality throughout the continent.
- A peaceful and secure Africa: this is to have by 2063 a conflict-free continent with the guns silenced.
- An Africa with a strong cultural identity, common heritage, values and ethics: Africa is the cradle of human civilization. This aspiration promotes the strengthening of our cultural identity and values by 2063.
- An Africa whose development is people-driven, relying on the potential of African people, especially its women and youths, and caring for its children: no child, woman or man will be left behind. Africans all over the globe will be involved in making of this continent the Africa we want, from the grassroots right to the diaspora.
- Africa as a strong, united, resilient and influential global player and partner: the outstretched hand of Africa for international aid will fall down because Africa would have a bigger role in world affairs. Not always as beneficiary but as a recognized provider
Invitation to all Africans to popularize the Agenda 2063
We invite all Africans in the continent and in the diaspora to join us in the popularization of this very important Instrument that defines the path each of us should tread on. The struggle will not be easy but we are convinced that together we can. We will encounter challenges. We will be disappointed at some point. But as the AU puts it, “the challenges can be overcome if all the stakeholders work diligently together”. Are you an NGO working for Africa? Are you a member of the civil society? Do you run a Women’s Organization? A Youth group? Domestication begins with YOU. Own this charter. Get involved in the transformation. The journey to 2063 into the Africa we want, has begun!!!
Sompon Socialservices bw engages itself to acquaint the African Diaspora in Germany with the AU Agenda 2063 “The Africa We Want”. To empower them with the right tools that can help create programs and partnerships to achieve each aspiration of this Agenda.